Join millions of students that trust Kipper for productivity.
Simply copy your ChatGPT text and paste it into Kipper’s AI Detector. Kipper will identify AI-generated sections and, with a click, humanize them, making your text undetectable by AI detectors. Ensure your content appears authentic and original effortlessly.
After copying your text, the next step is to upload it to Kipper’s AI Detector. This powerful AI text detector thoroughly scans your content, identifying any AI-generated sections that might be flagged by an AI essay detector or AI plagiarism checker.
Once your text is uploaded, Kipper’s AI Detector will analyze it and provide an AI detection score. This score reveals how much of your content may be flagged by AI text detectors, AI plagiarism checkers, or AI essay detectors.
If your AI detection score shows flagged content, use Kipper’s AI humanizer tool. With just a click, Kipper will humanize your text, making it undetectable by any AI essay detector or AI content checker, ensuring your writing remains authentic and original.
Kipper AI offers the most advanced AI detection, ensuring your content is accurately assessed for any AI-generated text.
With Kipper’s AI humanizer tool, transforming AI-generated content into undetectable text is just a click away.
From AI essay detection to AI plagiarism checking, Kipper provides all the tools you need to maintain originality in your writing.
Students rely on Kipper AI for authentic, AI-undetectable content, making it the best choice for AI detection and humanization.
Discover how Kipper AI has made a difference in the lives of academics just like you
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